4t ESO

Music....good 2 U!


How popular is live music in your country?

When was the last time you went to a concert or live show?

What kind of music do you like?

Is there any kind of music that you can't stand?

What types of music do people listen to in your country?

Is there any type of music that you can only hear in your country?

Do you play a musical instrument? What instrument? Did you take lessons?

How many CDs do you own? What kind of music do you have the most of?

Do you listen to music on the radio? How often? Do you have a favorite station? Why do you like this station?

What musician would you most like to meet? Why?

Do you prefer music in English or in your own language? Why? Why do you think English language music is so popular? Can a band be a worldwide hit if they don't sing in English?

Do you like to sing?

Have you ever sung karaoke?

Do you ever like to listen to loud music? When?

Do you listen more to words or lyrics? How is this different in your native language and in other languages?

Do you think CDs will ever become obsolete? What will replace them?

How has your opinion of good music changed over your lifetime?

Is there anything you liked years ago that you would not like now?




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Using the passive

Birth of Coca ColaPAIRWORK A.doc
Microsoft Word Document 278.0 KB
Birth of Coca ColaPAIRWORK B.doc
Microsoft Word Document 285.0 KB

How the Egyptians built the pyramids.

How M&Ms are made

How pasta is made

How CDs and DVDs are made

LIfe changes...

Let's practice USED TO... or DIDN'T USE TO... with these pictures pointing out the differences with our present LIFESTYLE


...sometimes not!

PPerfect, for and since.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 208.6 KB

On one condition...

and what if...?